Saturday, November 26, 2011

Annoyed with Apple

Grrrrrrrrr... I'm starting to get really frustrated. Today I decided I would finally update my iPod touch to IOs5. The software is really cool and impressive the speed of recovery is not. iTunes stared to reload my apps about an hour ago and I only have 10 out of my original 72 (maybe 73?). Anger! Oh, and none of my songs and TV episodes are there either. I understand that my posts are shorter than those of almost every other blogger but who honestly cares? At least I actually post more than once a month (at least most of the time...)You know what's one of the best songs ever? Baby monkey (riding backwards on a pig) by Parry Gripp. Youtube it. I would put the link but youtube currently isn't working on my computer \. Oh, would you look at that? 'What?', you say. 14 apps, that's what! :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I've now had this blog for a bit more than year. It's turned out pretty well I mean sure, I only have 615 pageviews but I kow for a fact that 0% of the are mine. I now have 38 posts. This leads me to probably the biggest problem with my blog. My posting. It may be partially forgetfulness or maybe partially laziness but I beleive there is a more immenant problem. I have no idea what to talk about. You can and will help. Anyone reading this post must comment telling me what they want me to talk about. I could be anything, as long as it's appropriate! Thanks! Now comment!.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day to Day Life

I finally won my Friends and my moose-pulled sled race on our way to our town's one room school house. I'm so proud of Jimmy, my family's moose for getting me there on time. We've just recently received a crate of slates of chalk for math and language class, technology never ceases to amaze me! At recess time everyone was taking advantage of the super mild temperature of -15 degrees, I was almost summer was coming up instead of winter. Once my brother and I Got home we began to eavesdrop on our parents. They were considering upgrading from our cozy igloo in Ottawa to a more spacious one in our nations capital, Toronto...

How many people actually believed this sounds like the life of an average Canadian? We have to stop those stereotypes! Ottawa is our capital, not Toronto! We are just as technologically advanced as the USA! Proof? This post was written on an iPod touch 4th gen. We don't have pet moose! In fact, I don't think I've ever seen one before and I've been in Canada my whole life! Oh, and it's not _that_ cold up here...

Please get your facts straight, canadiens matter!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toonie metaphor

Toonies are cool. For you non-Canadians, toonies are our 2 dollar coins. they are all shiny and they have polar bears on them. Also much more convenient than 2 loonies (1$ coins). I have one with 3 polar bears on it and it says "knowledge". They kind remind me of those sandwich cookies with jam in the centre of 1 cookie but not the other. Boy, do those taste good... :)

This was a sort of pointless rant... But it's better than not posting at all.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Editing time :)

Within the past few days I've started try to fix up my blog. Firstly I've fixed the column sizes. I'm currently trying to add HTML coding gadgets (for instance, look at the bottom of the page for the ball clock). I'd like to add all sorts of GIFs as well. Maybe some interactive animals. I'm trying to make a new title image. Lastly, I'm considering changing the background image. I'm still debating over whether to use one of bloggers or an HTML coding. So, if next time you visit my blog and it looks very different, don't worry, it's still the awesome orange blog. :)

Oh My

I haven't posted in a while. there will be a good, solid post later today. I promise.