Saturday, February 18, 2012


Normally I would apologize for not posting in a few weeks.

But today I won't.

You know why?              Because I only have 3 questions.

Is it really too much to ask for someone to pause for 20 seconds and think of and post a question.


I'm not going to do my Q+A post until I have at least 4-5 question, maybe more depending on the complexity.

but I still have a treat for you!

I drew you all a cow. It's udderly gorgeous (udderly, ha, get it?) And I drew it on our amazing (, metallic green, mini, :P) Dry ease board. So in the photo it looks kinda shiny 'cuz light's reflecting off it...

Well, here it is...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

portion of cleverbot convo

The beginning got cut off. It starts saying their name is tatty Bojangles when I ask if they are cleverbot...


Cleverbot: That is your name.

User: Yes, yes it is. My name is Bob.

Cleverbot: Hi Bob.

User: Hi Tatty Bojangles.

Cleverbot: Never mind my name is Cleverbot.

User: But you said that it wasn't. Yuo said it was Tatty Bojangles...

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Liar!

Cleverbot: You're a beastly robot.

User: ♥.

Cleverbot: You can find water at the bottom of it.

User: ♥.

Cleverbot: Close, but not quite.

User: ♪.

Cleverbot: *holds hand on the shore*.

User: ♫.

Cleverbot: A charge q has a velocity v in the magnetic field B if v is nearly to velocity of light. In this way, you can use F = qvB.

User: Peace out suckers, Love, Orangegril ♥.

Cleverbot: That's juice.

I love being a beastly robot- every day! Thanks for reminding me o' glorious cleverbot...