Happy new year everyone. The world is now gonna end this year!!!! 2012 is the apocalypse! Sorry about that...
Anyways, now that it's a new year it's time for new years resolutions that we know aren't gonna stick... :) Some of mine (related to the blog) are as follows:
A) Not to lie on my blog ( by this I mean saying something like "...and look forward to my post on alligators coming out this Tuesday..." and then post about crocodiles on Wednesday.)
B) The write another amazing animals post. And randomness chronicles :P
C) Post a photo of my current snowman and future snowmen
D0 Post more often (I know what you're thinking- "yeah right, like she hasn't said that a million times already..." Well you know what I say "Shut up! I'm a person and I try, alright?")
E) stop talking to myself in text...
Not sure if I'll be able to keep any of these so wish me luck :)
Oh, guess what? 800 pageviews, that's what! I know, it's not very much but I only had about 700 a few weeks ago so, yay!
I'll finish off by a random chronicle poem:
There one was a flammable dog
a sock, a fig, and a hog
Thay all ate some stew
Then painted on you
All as a frog barfed a log
Lovely isn't it? And sensical too...