Monday, January 30, 2012

Math time.

It's time for some nerdy talk here. :P


You know what else equals 900? My amount of pageviews. Yippee!

Thanks you guys so much for providing me with this. Now there's only one more blog-reader gift that will warm my heart:


How do you expect me to do a Q+A post with one question. Oh I know, let me answer- it's not possible! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... I'm almost considering boycotting blogging altogether if I don't get a few more questions.

So comment! on absolutely any post at anytime. Unless you want to deal with an angry redhead. And let me tell you- it's not a pleasant experience.

Peace out,

Orange Girl


  1. It's true, angry redheads are not pleasant to be with.
    No offense, of course...
    Oh, and another question(so you can have two):
    does the glitter unicorns eat depend on the their colour or is it the other way around?
    thank you :)

  2. how do you do the sparkles following the mouse?
    there you go a question.

  3. ooh, here's a better space unicorn :)
    not a question,sorry...
    I hope it's clickable
