Monday, January 30, 2012

Math time.

It's time for some nerdy talk here. :P


You know what else equals 900? My amount of pageviews. Yippee!

Thanks you guys so much for providing me with this. Now there's only one more blog-reader gift that will warm my heart:


How do you expect me to do a Q+A post with one question. Oh I know, let me answer- it's not possible! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... I'm almost considering boycotting blogging altogether if I don't get a few more questions.

So comment! on absolutely any post at anytime. Unless you want to deal with an angry redhead. And let me tell you- it's not a pleasant experience.

Peace out,

Orange Girl

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rupe-Rupert Grint

I currently have 1 question. This sadly is is not enough for a whole Q+A post. Since you readers are being sooooooo rude you shall be cursed with another parry gripp inspiration. I actually find them cool. Apparently you don't.

Well here's one of his newest songs and one of my favourites, Rupert Grint. That's right , it's about the actor for Ron.

Quite catchy actually. ♪ Rupe-Rupert Grint, Rupe-Rupert Grint, I wanna be a ginger...♪

My inspiration this time is more like my own version of the cover art...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Another inspiration

Sorry but you'll be getting a lot of these...

until you give me questions for (creative) q+a post!!! >:(

This is another Parry Gripp inspiration

Friday, January 13, 2012

space unicorn

I drew this for you guys on paint. I tried to make it look this bad...

What can I say... I was inspired by Parry Gripp

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wanted: Questions

Hi there! I was thinking that it would be really cool to do like a Q+A page/post. There's only one problem...

No one ever comments on my blog so I have absolutely no questions to answer. You readers can annoy me. You only comment on posts where I don't tell you to comment. Whenever I say to you ignore me. How rude. Anyways, I'd really like for you to break that annoying habit and comment questions for me to answer in the (near) future. Get it? Got it? Good :)

The questions can be absolutely anything from "What's your favourite song?" to "If you could combine any 3 animals what would they be and what would you name the final result?".

Now go and ask away! Please...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy new year everyone. The world is now gonna end this year!!!! 2012 is the apocalypse! Sorry about that...

Anyways, now that it's a new year it's time for new years resolutions that we know aren't gonna stick... :) Some of mine (related to the blog) are as follows:
A) Not to lie on my blog ( by this I mean saying something like "...and look forward to my post on alligators coming out this Tuesday..." and then post about crocodiles on Wednesday.)
 B) The write another amazing animals post. And randomness chronicles :P
C) Post a photo of my current snowman and future snowmen
D0 Post more often  (I know what you're thinking- "yeah right, like she hasn't said that a million times already..." Well you know what I say "Shut up! I'm a person and I try, alright?")
E) stop talking to myself in text...

Not sure if I'll be able to keep any of these so wish me luck :)

Oh, guess what? 800 pageviews, that's what! I know, it's not very much but I only had about 700 a few weeks ago so, yay!

I'll finish off by a random chronicle poem:

There one was a flammable dog
a sock, a fig, and a hog
Thay all ate some stew
Then painted on you
All as a frog barfed a log

Lovely isn't it? And sensical too...